Well the Holidays are finally over and now its time to focus back on the important things in life…EVERQUEST 2!!!!!!!!

I have been tinkering around with my 3 main toons and getting them leveled and tradeskilled up, its been a long and sometimes boring process. I am more of a solo player vs the group aspect of the game, dont get me wrong i love the occasional group or raid to get the blood flowing, but 98% of the time i am solo. I feel that being solo i can work at my own pace, if i want to stare at a mob and work out some strategy before jumping in i can, in a group thats not so easy, espically if you have someone like i use to be they see a mob and RUN straight for it and pull everything in site…hehe (done that one too many time) !!

But since the New Year is here i have taken a break from my older toons and made room for a new toon on the same old server but in a different new but old guild for me, i know that sounds confusing, so i’ll explain.

See i was once part of the Looony Toons guild in Crushbone , one of the founding fathers so to speak, well after sometime i was growing boried with the role of a leader and wanted to be lead, had alot of things going on in my RL that was affecting my EQ2 life, so i made a decision to step down and leave the guild to look for a more raiding guild, at the time all i wanted to do was raid and get the uber gear and become a ledgend.

Yes, i made a new home and fell in love with my guildies who have been the best friends a person could ask for in game and out of game. i still felt like i have had a peice missing from me, so on Monday i made a deciosion to create a new toon and tag him back into the old guild that i came from and work with them for a while. Now for anyone who is in the guild i am in now, dont worry – Chubby, Cinder, Kuzab and the other 2 alts are not leaving the guild, i just needed a change of pace and visit some old friends for a while, i will still be on my older toons and getting them where they need to be but i will also be working on this new toon and guild to help get them to GL 90. Just spreading the love guys !!

I have been very impressed with Looony Toons the last couple nights, last night they had over 20 players on for a majority of the night, it was great i havent seen that in a guild in a long long time and felt proud that i was at one point in my life that i helped create this guild, they have done so much ove the last couple years and have built the guild into a strong force for the citizens of Norrath. Also i didn’t releize this till last night that i created and join this new / old guild on the guilds Anniversay, so ironically one of the Founding Fathers returns on the night that the guild was origionally created serveral years ago!! 🙂

Anyways, alot is going on and i am here to partake in the fun festivities and get a new toon off the ground and into a raiding guild as this is what they have developed into again another ironic thing i have found, i left to goto a raiding guild that fell from raiding to create a new toon to go to my old guild who is now Raiding!! Lost yet!!

So the next post i have with my update progress should not be so confusing, the new toon is a ShadowKnight, since i just love the pure raw abilities of the SK class,and he is sitting at lvl 16 with about 12 AA’s, i am in the process of becoming a citizen of Freeport as i feel that Neirek is just too confusing to be able to raise a new toon. So if your on Crushbone look for Chubbers the Kerra SK, i’m sure you’ll see me around, hit me up for a PUG or just to chat.

Until next time, Happy Hunting in Norrath or where ever you call home!!!

~Chubbylilbuddy / Cinderbella / Kuzab / Chubbers / Wonderboyz / Kryptonion / Chubetta~

Well i’ve been very busy recently getting my alts leveled up so i can take them to the lands that their brothers and sisters have been too.

These alts have heard many tales from their kins, and have been eagerly awaiting their time to journey to this distant and past lands to become ledgens of their own time and bask in the forgot hordes of treasure that have been long forgotten.

Kuzab my pally has finally had some QT time from me in the recent weeks.

He is currently sitting at level 62 adventurer and lv 54 tailorer, the goal is to have him maxed out in both before the release of the next expansion, Since tomarrow is christmas Eve and i am off till monday, i will be giving him some long over due attention. Normally i start off with the adventure side of things and move over the artisan side once i become boried. Kuzab was the first toon i created on Launch day of Eq2, actully if you remember back when Eq2 was launched that if you preordered the game you had a few extra days before the retail side launched so you was able to get ahead of the other, and i had at that time taken advantage of this, however i grew boried with my pally as it wasnt what i was looking for at the time and instead of deleting him i just pushed him to the back burner. about after 2 months on Kuzab i created my Zerker Chubbylilbuddy who became my main too for the next 6.5 years.

Chubbylilbuddy is currently sitting at lvl 83 in adventure status and is already maxed out in crafting (Alchemist). I still love logging into Chubby and going out and basjing everything i see, its a great way to releive your stress levels after a long day of working.  I am hoping with these holiday breaks i can get Chubby completely maxed out by end of year, its going to take alot of time and blood (not mine or chubbys) to get him there.

Cinderbella – this was the 3rd toon i created and about a year ago became my main toon – this is my SK and i completely fell in love with her and her ability to create so much damage, just fricking awesome!! She is maxed out in her adventure at 90 and is stilling pretty at 70 for a sage, i would love to have her completely maxed out by end of year, along with her grandmaster crafting acheived as well.

I also have 3 other toons that are still low levels and there is no way i would be able to get them to 90 by launch of the expansion, but i will give it a try, a fury, warlock and a gaurdian walks into a bar….Umm i mean those are what the other 3 toons that are low level are.

Now i have been looking to maybe delete one of these toon when the expansion comes out so i can try the new vampire race but i am still unsure, i may also just purchase another toon slot thru the Station Store but as i mentioned not 100% sure at this time.

So this is what i have been up to since last update, and will or should have another update in a day or two.  If you ever find yourself on Crushbone, please look any of my toons up that i have mentioned, get a group going and embark on an epic journey of fame and fortune, this is how ledgens are born, this is where the stories of or lore are made from, this is how we become the new hero’s of out time, and to have other generations speak of our ventures, this is how we save Norrath and bring it back to its once Glorious time.

Until then, Happy Hunting throught Norrath or where ever you call home!!


Happy Holiday to you and have a Happy New Year as well.

Well i received my beta invite for Rift this afternoon, currently downloading so i will be ready for fridays beta launch, other than that i really cant say more than this.

Welcome to the first Beta event for Rift!

Beta servers are scheduled to be available for play from Friday 12/3/2010 at 10AM PST until Monday 12/6/2010 at 10AM PST.

Beta #1: Rise of the Defiant
Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, the survivors from the desolate future of Telara have resurrected you, their champion, and sent you to present-day Telara to prevent the destruction caused by the Blood Storm and the blindly faithful Guardians. Join the techno-magical Defiant in their fight to change the course of history!

Well this past Thanksgiving Holiday weekend use to be my weekend of nothing but gaming and gaming hours upon hours and have alot of things accomplished, for some reason this didnt happen this year!!

I did however get logged in a few days of the 4 day weekend, I got to venture to Chelsith once again with KOM to help a few folks with some updates for their epic, i did get some nice loot that was able to place on the broker and earn some phat plat.

I also was able to get some solo time in as well, working  on getting Chubby up to lvl 90, i was working the questline in Sundering Frontier as well as collecting Shines and harvesting for Rares. I know i should really be hording my rares on the harvesting side and saving for some armor my toons may be needing, however i placed them on the broker and made some nice plat, i placed 4 rares and with in 1 hr i had made over 20 plat, love it. So i started to go harvest crazy hoping to get more rares to place on the broker..lol

After about 2hrs of Harvesting and only 1 Rare dropped i switched back to killing everything and anything in site to gain some XP, i was getting 200% XP for my Valitaly and and additional 20% for max toons  but it still seemed as if it was dragging, normally when receiving this amount of XP bonus i would of dinged at least 2-3 lvls during my play time and i did not, i was working the areas that was well beyond my current level but still no dingage occured.

Tonight i am still going to work on Chubby and try to get him to 90 by the end of this week, i also have Kuzab my pally that i have been ignoring as of late and need to get him back into the mist of things as well. so hopefully by the end of the year i will have 3 lvl 90 toons and on my way to a 4th and 5th if i am lucky..lol

Until next time , happy hunting across Norrath or where ever you may call home!!


Well as most of you may have noticed i haven’t been posting and on one of my last post i mentioned that i have been having some personal real life issues going on. Well i am still in the process of getting a divorce and have been very depressed as of lately, and haven’t wanted to write let alone play anything to write about, so i have decided to keep my sanity, that i need to do something that i love to do and that would be playing video games and  to write about them. So once again i am here to state that i am back for now, to continue on with my adventures and let the worlds know about them.

I renewed my Eq2 subscription last night, it was inactive for the last 25 days and really didnt feel like renewing or had the money to at the time. So last night i balanced the check book and had some extra money to play with, so instead of heading the closest bar in hopes that they had cheap beer and Karaoke going on, i decided to renew Eq2….at least i can save some money this way!!

So there i was logged into my Level 90 ShadowKnight, didnt know what i wanted to do, checked the broker nothing, i forgot i haven’t played in some time, so i continued to see what i was in need of and noticed that she was still level 62 sage. So immediatly i went to the crafting stations and began my grind to 90, i ended up going up to level 65 Sage last night, not bad for a couple hours of play time. I plan on getting back into the grind, by sometime next week i should be at level 90 sage if i keep at it, after that i plan on getting Chubby up to 90 in adventures. I know i have said this before and before again but this time i am going to git’R Done, once i have completed those 2 task i will have 2 toons that are 90 in both Trade and adventure, and can begin on working on their armor for raids, and lower shard runs.

So you should be seeing alot more post from me since i have a little time on my hands, also check out nomadic gamers blog they have several writers including myself and talk about all sorts of MMO’s, everything from Eve, Eq2, Vangard to event he free MMO’s DDO and Wizard 101, check them out and give them a chance, i’m sure you’ll be back for more!!

Until next time, Happy Hunting in Norrath!!


Well, I have been slowly making it back into Eq2 again, i have had some major Real Life issues going on right now, between getting a divorce, making sure i see my kids and seeking out legal advise i have not had much time to log in nor have i wanted to log in and play, however i have managed this past week & weekend to get some play time in. As you may know Cinderbella hit Lv 90 a few weeks back and i changed focus back to my origional main toon “Chubbylilbuddy”. I have been taking chubby to the newer areas from the expansion since he was past lvl 80 and doing as many quest as i can, everything from collections to faction quests just to get him leveled up, Thursday night 7/8/2010 Chubby hit lvl 83 beserker, its been a long time getting chubby up in levels and seemed like Cinderbella flew thru the levels with no problems. i am finding the content is great once again, and chubby can hold his own, he has some t2 shard armor but i am finding that some of the armor in the newer areas for lvls 82-83 are not as good as the t2 shard armor. I need to sit back and do some new research so i can figure out what he needs, i now have 1 toon thats 90 and chubby at 83 in which i can take them back to the lower lvl shard quest and obtain some more shards to upgrade their armor to what i need. Also i need to focus on the faction quest as well since some of the jewerly and armor you can obtain from those factions has some really good stats that Chubby can use.

As i mentioned i will be having alot more free time, and will be playing alot more to hopefully take my mind off of RL issues going on right now. This may only be a game but folks dont understand the therputic values games of any nature can have and help people with their real life issues, I have been in a very dark place the last couple of weeks and Eq2 has pulled me out of that darkness, not only the content but the indiviuals from my guild and friends that i have made over the years with in Eq & Eq2.

With that said i hope everyone has a great gaming week and i will see you in Norrath.

Until next time Happy Hunting in Norrath or where ever you call home.

~Chubby / Cinderbella~


Rank: Knight

Guild: Knights of Marr

Server: Crushbone

Well i am slowly making it back into Norrath, I have been playing a few hours each night just to get abck into things. i have been just finishishing up some of the higher level quests 87-89 in Stonebrunt part of the SF exp. i had thought i finished them all before but i must of missed some of these, or they werent available when i was lower level.

But i am helping the Kerran felines out in SBF, the ones thru the tunnel up by the lost Keejan city. i have been running back and forth to this village doing various quest from them earning some nice exp and coin. i have also been collecting every shinie i see and placing them on the broker i have made some decent plat the last few nights, last night when i logged in i was at 9plat 80 gold 72 silver and 32 copper, not bad for 12 hours sitting on the broker, i added more last night so hopefully i can earn as much again if not more i added 32 items to the broker.

Over all i think i am finally over the funk i was in, i once again , look forward to getting home and getting what needs to be done so i can log in once i’ve finished, Also the Sims 3 has helped me so much getting over this as well. What i mean by this is that for the last 3-4 years i have been mainly playing Eq2, every now and then i play a different MMO to see if it catches my eye or draws me in but i have always gone back to Eq2. The Sims 3 is not a MMO, so i get the chance to relax and just play and not worry if i am lagging and what i can do to bring the lag done, and the other stress factors of MMO’s mainly the other people in the game that can eith make or break it for you.

I recently received World Adventures for Sims3 havent really played it yet but it is installed and updated, waiting for play time. I will continue to play Sims 3 as i really enjoy watching my little Virtual me’s growing up and having fun and to see what will happen next.

Well until next time, Happy hunting in Norrath!!!!!!!!!!!


Well i know haven’t posted in sometime, i have been very busy with real life and haven’t been with in my Virutal home that much.

As most everyone by this point knows that SOE Everquest 2 has released their lastest update “Halas Reborn”, I too was able to log in very breifly and was able to create a new toon starting in this area, i made a Barbarian Guardian names Oleaxu, so far the quest are just like any starting area, go kill X amount of “CREATURE ADDED HERE” and come back for your reward, Even though they are the standard quest i still find it thrilling that there is a new area as well as new content, the storyteller mode is a bit confusing and i am still trying to figure this out myself, and the i also logged in and obtained my little frost kitty, too bad we cant use the little fur ball for combat.

Speaking of Kittys, i entered a contest over at Ten Ton Hammers website on “Loading….”, the contest was to win a free Prowler mount yest thats right the New Prowler Mounts that are currently on sale on the Marketplace for $25.00 real dollars…i could not pass the contest up after all all you had to do was send a email to a specific Ten Ton Hammer email that they listed with the subject line “Gimme me a Prowlerrrrrr!! and they would draw the winners on Memorial day, well i submitted my email on the Thursday before, and i totally forgot about entering this contest, so i logged into my email on Tuesday because i was camping all weekend for the holiday because thats what we do at this time of the year..lol

But to make a long story even longer, i logged into the email and there was a email from Ten Ton Hammer…CONGRATULATION YOU WON A PROWLER….I thought i was going to fall out of my chair at that point. So i was one of the 5 winners of the contest i was provided a code to redeem which i did already and i am now the proud father of a Prowler Mount which costed me nothing but a email….woot woot

I am still fine tuning my newest toon in the Halas area, i will be reporting more on their adventures as we progress.

So far from what i have seen of this new content it is great, the area looks great, the house items are fabolus, the City festival is currently in New Halas on my server and i have picked up some great items for my house, however i am now going to buy a bigger home.

Well thats all i have to report on for this time,  i will be adding some photos to this post this evening.

Until next time, Happy Hunting in Norrath!!!


Game Codes. Check this out guys, found the below article at Beckett’s Massive Online Gamer Website http://www.massiveonlinegamer.com/game-code if you play STO here’s a bonus….THANK YOU BECKETT’S now please send me my new issue..lol


Massive Online Gamer’s Game Code Generator

Massive Online Gamer’s members: Get your free Game Codes right here.

Star Trek Online
Added: March 23, 2010

Generate your code to get a free Star Trek Original TV series uniform! Then, log into your account at www.StarTrekOnline.com and go to http://www.startrekonline.com/enter_key. You’ll be prompted to enter your Key Code. Enter the code and get set to rock-n-roll in original Star Trek gear!

Well this weekend, i really didn’t get that much game time in.

I was still running from my laptop, which the graphics are not the best, However i did get my PC back from my good friend Corliss, and he was able to get the PC working again with out adding a new hard drive, in fact it wasn’t the hard drive at all, he advised that he too was having problems with it, he then moved a few componets around and was able to get into the bio’s and basically had to rest the bio’s cache and then he had to reinstall the bio’s for my motherboard and all was well. He tested it for about a week he said, rebooting it about 30-40 times  as well as leaving it on and running a few programs then rebooting, and he said it never acted up again.

~ Star Trek Online  ~

As i have written before i have been tinkering with STO for the last 2 weeks, and i can say that i absolutely love the game, i do tend to get bored with the same types of missions or similar mission, i.e..goto this sector and defend it from the “fill in the Blank” (Klingon’s, Orion’s, Gorn, ect), then once done beam down to the planet to ensure there are no more assaults taking place.

Other than that its great, i am at Lt. Commander 8 right now, and i start these missions and just keep battling the space battles and next thing i know like 5 hours have passed, its really alot of fun and you can really submerge yourself in to the game.

I give this game 8 out of 10 for games that i would recommend.

~Everquest II ~

Not much game play in here this weekend, i logged in a few times but for some reason i really didnt feel like playing, I really love the game, but i think STO has been distracting me from my normal routine of EQ II and with the whole PC being out of Commission all i really have played was STO.

I did happen to log into my Main “Cinderbella” say hi to a few guildies and check the broker made a whooping 2plat in the 2 weeks i was out, which is not good at all, i normally make that in about 1-2 hours of game play, this however is what is going to motivate me to get back into the swing of things and get more EQ II time in. I am going to have to make a schedule and split it from STO & EQII, M-W-F will be Eq2 & T-TH-Sat will be STO, with Sunday’s as a toss up or play both equally amount of time.

~Dirt 2 (X-box 360, PC) ~

Now i did have a chance to check this game out this weekend when i was over at my buddy’s house, picking my PC up he wanted to show me the PC version and the Direct X 11 Graphics from his vid card, i have to admit i was blown away by the quality of the graphics of this game, it was like i was actually driving the car in the different environments (locations), i could not get over the fact it was like watching a movie, very realistic. My buddy told me that the multiplayer feature on PC and Xbox were interlinked, i have not confirmed this yet but if so i know i could get the xbox version and play against or team up with my buddy on his PC, which is pretty sweet if i say so myself. I will bring more on this game as i find more out about it.

Well untill next time Happy hunting in whatever game you find yourself in!!
