TIER 1 Tinkered Items:

Skill Item Effect Classes
5 Miscalibrated Gnomish Crosstrainers Speed +10%, 15% heal chance of 17% max health All
10 Automated Finishing Saw 1% success chance Woodworker
15 Automated Rounding Hammer 1% success chance Armorer
20 Mechanical Threaded Needle 1% success chance Tailor
25 Automated Finishing Hammer 1% success chance Weaponsmith
25 Flickering Judicious Composite Gear adornment All
25 Gnomish Cyclone Generator of Ultimate Evil dumbfire pet Tinkerer
30 Reinforced Gnomeproof Beaker 1% success chance Alchemist
35 Troll Snot Flinger can slow target and caster by 31% Tinkerer
40 Gnomish Ring Press 1% success chance Jeweler
45 Gnomish Self Inking Quill 1% success chance Sage
